CopyOnWriteArraySet in java

CopyOnWriteArraySet is a Set that uses an internal CopyOnWriteArrayList for all of its operations. It is introduced in JDK 1.5, we can say that it is a thread-safe version of Set.

It shares some properties of Set and also has its properties:

  • The internal implementation of CopyOnWriteArraySet is CopyOnWriteArrayList only.
  • Multiple Threads can perform update operation simultaneously but for every update operation, a separate cloned copy is created. As for every update a new cloned copy will be created which is costly. Hence if multiple update operation is required then it is not recommended to use CopyOnWriteArraySet.
  • While one thread iterating the Set, other threads can perform updation, here we won't get any runtime exception like ConcurrentModificationException.
  • An iterator of CopyOnWriteArraySet class can perform only read-only and won't perform the deletion, otherwise, we will get Run-time exception UnsupportedOperationException.

Constructors of CopyOnWriteArraySet:

  • CopyOnWriteArraySet c = new CopyOnWriteArraySet(): Creates an empty set.
  • CopyOnWriteArraySet c = new CopyOnWriteArraySet(Collection c): Creates a set containing all of the elements of the specified collection.

Methods in CopyOnWriteArraySet:

  1. add? (E e): This method Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
  2. addAll?(Collection c): This method Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set if they’re not already present.
  3. clear? (): This method Removes all of the elements from this set.
  4. contains? (Object o): This method returns true if this set contains the specified element.
  5. contains? (Collection c): This method returns true if this set contains all of the elements of the specified collection.
  6. equals? (Object o): This method Compares the specified object with this set for equality.
  7. forEach?(Consumer action): This method Performs the given action for each element of the Iterable until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception.
  8. isEmpty?(): This method returns true if this set contains no elements.
  9. iterator? (): This method returns an iterator over the elements contained in this set in the order in which these elements were added.
  10. remove? (Object o): This method Removes the specified element from this set if it is present.
  11. removeAll?(Collection c): This method Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection.
  12. remove? (Predicate filter): This method Removes all of the elements of this collection that satisfy the given predicate.
  13. retain? (Collection c): This method Retains only the elements in this set that are contained in the specified collection.
  14. size?(): This method returns the number of elements in this set.
  15. spliterator? (): This method returns a Spliterator over the elements in this set in the order in which these elements were added.
  16. toArray?(): This method returns an array containing all of the elements in this set.
  17. toArray?(T[] a): This method returns an array containing all of the elements in this set; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.






// Java program to illustrate 

// CopyOnWriteArraySet class

import java.util.concurrent.*;

import java.util.*;


class ConcurrentDemo extends Thread {


    static CopyOnWriteArraySet l = new CopyOnWriteArraySet();


    public void run()


        // Child thread trying to add

        // new element in the Set object




    public static void main(String[] args) 






        // We create a child thread 

        // that is going to modify 

        // CopyOnWriteArraySet l.

        ConcurrentDemo t = new ConcurrentDemo();



        // Wait for the thread to 

        // add the element.

        try {



        catch (InterruptedException e) {

            System.out.println("child going to add element");





        // Now we iterate through the 

        // CopyOnWriteArraySet and we

        // wont get exception.

        Iterator itr = l.iterator();

        while (itr.hasNext()) 


            String s = (String);





                // Here we will get

                // RuntimeException







[A, B, C, D]
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException


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