Traverse through a HashMap in Java

HashMap is a part of the java collections framework. It internally uses the hashing technique.

This post contains different ways of traversing through a HashMap, which is given below:

  1. Using an Iterator: Iterator is an interface in java.util package which is used to iterate through a collection.
    • hm.entrySet() is used to retrieve all the key-value pairs called Map.Entries and stores internally into a set.
    • hm.entrySet().iterator() returns an iterator which acts as a cursor and points at the first element of the set and moves on till the end.
    • hmIterator.hasNext() checks for the next element in the set and returns a boolean
    • returns the next element(Map.Entry) from the set.
    • mapElement.getKey() returns the key of the associated Map.Entry
    • mapElement.getValue() return the value of the associated Map.Entry


  2. filter_none




    // Java program to traverse through

    // a hashmap using iterator


    import java.util.*;


    class GfG {

        public static void main(String[] args)


            // Consider the hashmap contains

            // student name and their marks

            HashMap<String, Integer> hm = 

                        new HashMap<String, Integer>();


            // Adding mappings to HashMap

            hm.put("GeeksforGeeks", 54);

            hm.put("A computer portal", 80);

            hm.put("For geeks", 82);


            // Printing the HashMap

            System.out.println("Created hashmap is" + hm);


            // Getting an iterator

            Iterator hmIterator = hm.entrySet().iterator();


            // Iterate through the hashmap

            // and add some bonus marks for every student

            System.out.println("HashMap after adding bonus marks:");


            while (hmIterator.hasNext()) {

                Map.Entry mapElement = (Map.Entry);

                int marks = ((int)mapElement.getValue() + 10);

                System.out.println(mapElement.getKey() + " : " + marks);




    Created hashmap is{GeeksforGeeks=54, A computer portal=80, For geeks=82}
    HashMap after adding bonus marks:
    GeeksforGeeks : 64
    A computer portal : 90
    For geeks : 92
  3. Using for-each loop:filter_none




    // Java program for traversing

    // through a hashmap using for-each loop


    import java.util.*;


    class GfG {

        public static void main(String[] args)



            // Consider the hashmap containing

            // student name and their marks

            HashMap<String, Integer> hm = 

                         new HashMap<String, Integer>();


            // Adding mappings to HashMap

            hm.put("GeeksforGeeks", 54);

            hm.put("A computer portal", 80);

            hm.put("For geeks", 82);


            // Printing the HashMap

            System.out.println("Created hashmap is" + hm);


            // Loop through the hashmap

            System.out.println("HashMap after adding bonus marks:");


            // Using for-each loop

            for (Map.Entry mapElement : hm.entrySet()) {

                String key = (String)mapElement.getKey();


                // Add some bonus marks

                // to all the students and print it

                int value = ((int)mapElement.getValue() + 10);


                System.out.println(key + " : " + value);




    Created hashmap is{GeeksforGeeks=54, A computer portal=80, For geeks=82}
    HashMap after adding bonus marks:
    GeeksforGeeks : 64
    A computer portal : 90
    For geeks : 92
  4. Using forEach() method: forEach() is a method of hashmap which is introduced in java 8. It is used to iterate through the hashmap and also reduces the number of lines of code.filter_none




    // Java program for traversing

    // through a hashmap using for-each loop


    import java.util.*;


    class GfG {

        public static void main(String[] args)



            // Consider the hashmap containing

            // student name and their marks

            HashMap<String, Integer> hm = 

                          new HashMap<String, Integer>();


            // Adding mappings to HashMap

            hm.put("GeeksforGeeks", 54);

            hm.put("A computer portal", 80);

            hm.put("For geeks", 82);


            // Printing the HashMap

            System.out.println("Created hashmap is" + hm);


            // Loop through the hashmap

            // and add bonus marks

            System.out.println("HashMap after adding bonus marks:");


            // Using Hashmap.forEach()

            hm.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + " : " + (v + 10)));



    Created hashmap is{GeeksforGeeks=54, A computer portal=80, For geeks=82}
    HashMap after adding bonus marks:
    GeeksforGeeks : 64
    A computer portal : 90
    For geeks : 92

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