Custom ArrayList in Java

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ArrayList in Java
ArrayList in Java (equivalent to vector in C++) having a dynamic size. It can be shrunk or expanded based on size. ArrayList is a part of the collection framework and is present in java.util package.
An ArrayList:

ArrayList <E> list = new ArrayList <> ();

E here represents an object datatype e.g. Integer. The Integer class wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object. An object of type Integer contains a single field whose type is int.
More about Integer Object: here
Custom ArrayList: A custom ArrayList has attributes based on user requirements and can have more than one type of data. This data is provided by a custom inner class that is formed by a combination of various primitive object datatypes.

Consider a case when we have to take input as N number of students and details are:
roll number, name, marks, phone number
A normal method using object ArrayList would be:


   // define 4 ArrayLists and save data accordingly in
   // each of them.
   // roll number arraylist
   ArrayList<Integer> roll = new ArrayList<>(); 

   // name arraylist
   ArrayList<String> name = new ArrayList<>();

   // marks arraylist
   ArrayList<Integer> marks = new ArrayList<>();

   // phone number arraylist
   ArrayList<Long> phone = new ArrayList<>();

   // and for n students
   for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
     // add all the values to each arraylist 
     // each arraylist has primitive datatypes

Now using a custom Arraylist:
The custom ArrayList simply supports multiple data in the way as shown in this image.
To construct Custom ArrayList

  • Build an ArrayList Object and place its type as a Class Data.
  • Define a class and put the required entities in the constructor.
  • Link those entities to global variables.
  • Data received from the ArrayList is of that class type which stores multiple data.





// Java program to illustrate customArraylist in Java

import java.util.ArrayList;


class CustomArrayList


    // custom class which has data type

    // class has defined the type of data ArrayList

    // size of input 4

    int n=4;


    // the custom datatype class

    class Data


        // global variables of the class

        int roll;

        String name;

        int marks;

        long phone;


        // constructor has type of data that is required

        Data(int roll, String name, int marks, long phone)


            // initialize the input variable from main

            // function to the global variable of the class

            this.roll = roll;

   = name;

            this.marks = marks;

   = phone;




    public static void main(String args[])


        // suppose the custom input data

        int roll[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};

        String name[] = {"Shubham", "Atul", "Ayush", "Rupesh"};

        int marks[] = {100, 99, 93, 94};

        long phone[] = {8762357381L, 8762357382L, 8762357383L,




        // Create an object of the class

        CustomArrayList custom = new CustomArrayList();


        // and call the function to add the values to the arraylist

        custom.addValues(roll, name, marks, phone);



    public void addValues(int roll[], String name[], int marks[],

                          long phone[])


        // local custom arraylist of data type

        // Data having (int, String, int, long) type

        // from the class

        ArrayList<Data> list=new ArrayList<>();


        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


            // create an object and send values to the

            // constructor to be saved in the Data class

            list.add(new Data(roll[i], name[i], marks[i],




        // after adding values printing the values to test

        // the custom arraylist




    public void printValues(ArrayList<Data> list)


        // list- the custom arraylist is sent from

        // previous function


        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


            // the data received from arraylist is of Data type

            // which is custom (int, String, int, long)

            // based on class Data


            Data data = list.get(i);


            // data variable of type Data has four primitive datatypes

            // roll -int

            // name- String

            // marks- int

            // phone- long

            System.out.println(data.roll+" "" "

                               +data.marks+" ";





1 Shubham 100 8762357381
2 Atul 99 8762357382
3 Ayush 93 8762357383
4 Rupesh 94 8762357384


  • Oracle documentation
  • ArrayLists


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