Internal Working of HashMap in Java

In this article, we will see how hashmap’s get and put method works internally. What operations are performed? How the hashing is done. How the value is fetched by key. How the key-value pair is stored.

As in the previous article, HashMap contains an array of Node and Node can represent a class having the following objects :

  1. int hash
  2. K key
  3. V value
  4. Node next

Now we will see how this works. First, we will see the hashing process.


Hashing is a process of converting an object into an integer form by using the method hashCode(). It's necessary to write the hashCode() method properly for better performance of HashMap. Here I am taking the key to my class so that I can override hashCode() method to show different scenarios. My Key class is

//custom Key class to override hashCode()
// and equals() method
class Key
  String key;
  Key(String key)
    this.key = key;
  public int hashCode() 
     return (int)key.charAt(0);

  public boolean equals(Object obj)
    return key.equals((String)obj);

Here overridden hashCode() method returns the first character’s ASCII value as hash code. So whenever the first character of the key is the same, the hash code will be the same. You should not approach these criteria in your program. It is just for demo purposes. As HashMap also allows null key, so the hash code of null will always be 0.

hashCode() method

hashCode() method is used to get the hash code of an object. hashCode() method of Object class returns the memory reference of an object in integer form. Definition of hashCode() method is public native hashCode(). It indicates the implementation of hashCode() is native because there is not any direct method in java to fetch the reference of an object. It is possible to provide your implementation of hashCode().
In HashMap, hashCode() is used to calculate the bucket and therefore calculate the index.

equals() method

equals method is used to check that 2 objects are equal or not. This method is provided by Object class. You can override this in your class to provide your implementation.
HashMap uses equals() to compare the key whether they are equal or not. If equals() method return true, they are equal otherwise not equal.


A bucket is one element of the HashMap array. It is used to store nodes. Two or more nodes can have the same bucket. In that case, the link list structure is used to connect the nodes. Buckets are different incapacity. A relation between bucket and capacity is as follows:

capacity = number of buckets * load factor

A single bucket can have more than one nodes, it depends on the hashCode() method. The better your hashCode() method is, the better your buckets will be utilized.

Index Calculation in Hashmap

Hash code of key may be large enough to create an array. hash code generated may be in the range of integer and if we create arrays for such a range, then it will easily cause outOfMemoryException. So we generate index to minimize the size of the array. The following operation is performed to calculate the index.

index = hashCode(key) & (n-1).

where n is the number of buckets or the size of the array. In our example, I will consider n as default size that is 16.

  • Initially Empty hashMap: Here, the hashmap is size is taken as 16.
    HashMap map = new HashMap();

    HashMap :

  • Inserting Key-Value Pair: Putting one key-value pair in above HashMap
    map.put(new Key("vishal"), 20);


    1. Calculate hash code of Key {“Vishal”}. It will be generated as 118.
    2. Calculate index by using the index method it will be 6.
    3. Create a node object as :
        int hash = 118
        // {"vishal"} is not a string but 
        // an object of class Key
        Key key = {"vishal"}
        Integer value = 20
        Node next = null
    4. Place this object at index 6, if no other object is presented there.

    Now HashMap becomes :

  • Inserting another Key-Value Pair: Now, putting other pair that is,
    map.put(new Key("sachin"), 30);


    Place this object at index 3 if no other object is presented there.
    Now HashMap becomes :

    1. Calculate hashCode of Key {“Sachin”}. It will be generated as 115.
    2. Calculate index by using the index method it will be 3.
    3. Create a node object as :
        int hash = 115
        Key key = {"sachin"}
        Integer value = 30
        Node next = null

  • In Case of collision: Now, putting another pair that is,

    map.put(new Key("vaibhav"), 40);


    1. Calculate hash code of Key {“Vaibhav”}. It will be generated as 118.
    2. Calculate index by using the index method it will be 6.
    3. Create a node object as :
        int hash = 118
        Key key = {"vaibhav"}
        Integer value = 40
        Node next = null
    4. Place this object at index 6 if no other object is presented there.
    5. In this case, a node object is found at index 6 – this is a case of collision.
    6. In that case, check via hashCode() and equals() method that if both the keys are the same.
    7. If keys are the same, replace the value with the current value.
    8. Otherwise, connect this node object to the previous node object via the linked list and both are stored at index 6.
      Now HashMap becomes :

Using the get method()

Now let us try some get method to get a value. get(K key) method is used to get a value by its key. If you don’t know the key then it is not possible to fetch a value.





// Java program to illustrate

// internal working of HashMap

import java.util.HashMap;


class Key {

    String key;

    Key(String key)


        this.key = key;




    public int hashCode()


        int hash = (int)key.charAt(0);

        System.out.println("hashCode for key: "

                           + key + " = " + hash);

        return hash;




    public boolean equals(Object obj)


        return key.equals(((Key)obj).key);




// Driver class

public class GFG {

    public static void main(String[] args)


        HashMap map = new HashMap();

        map.put(new Key("vishal"), 20);

        map.put(new Key("sachin"), 30);

        map.put(new Key("vaibhav"), 40);



        System.out.println("Value for key sachin: " + map.get(new Key("sachin")));

        System.out.println("Value for key vaibhav: " + map.get(new Key("vaibhav")));




hashCode for key: vishal = 118
hashCode for key: sachin = 115
hashCode for key: vaibhav = 118

hashCode for key: sachin = 115
Value for key sachin: 30
hashCode for key: vaibhav = 118
Value for key vaibhav: 40

HashMap Changes in Java 8

As we know now that in case of hash collision entry objects are stored as a node in a linked-list and equals() method is used to compare keys. That comparison to find the correct key within a linked-list is a linear operation so in a worst-case scenario, the complexity becomes O(n).
To address this issue, Java 8 hash elements use balanced trees instead of linked lists after a certain threshold is reached. Which means HashMap starts with storing Entry objects in the linked list but after the number of items in a hash becomes larger than a certain threshold, the hash will change from using a linked list to a balanced tree, which will improve the worst-case performance from O(n) to O(log n).

Important Points

This article is contributed by Vishal Garg. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeek's main page and help other Geeks.

Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.

  • Fetch the data for key Sachin:
    map.get(new Key("sachin"));


    1. Calculate hash code of Key {“Sachin”}. It will be generated as 115.
    2. Calculate index by using the index method it will be 3.
    3. Go to index 3 of the array and compare the first element’s key with the given key. If both are equals then return the value, otherwise, check for the next element if it exists.
    4. In our case, it is found as the first element and the returned value is 30.
  • Fetch the data for key Vaibhav:
    map.get(new Key("vaibhav"));


    1. Calculate hash code of Key {“Vaibhav”}. It will be generated as 118.
    2. Calculate index by using the index method it will be 6.
    3. Go to index 6 of the array and compare the first element’s key with the given key. If both are equals then return the value, otherwise, check for the next element if it exists.
    4. In our case, it is not found as the first element and the next node object is not null.
    5. If the next node is null then return null.
    6. If the next node is not null traverse to the second element and repeats the process 3 until the key is not found or next is not null.
    1. Time complexity is almost constant for put and gets method until rehashing is not done.
    2. In case of collision, i.e. index of two or more nodes are the same, nodes are joined by link list i.e. the second node is referenced by the first node and third by second and so on.
    3. If the key given already exist in HashMap, the value is replaced with the new value.
    4. The hash code of the null key is 0.
    5. When getting an object with its key, the linked list is traversed until the key matches or null is found on the next field.

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